Voice Training To Sing Songs For Musical Auditions

Voice Training To Sing Songs For Musical Auditions

To sing songs for musical auditions, it is necessary to have some sort of voice training. The level of voice training that you may require will depend on the type of songs you wish to sing.

There are several types of musical theater songs and genres.

The Vermiso Musical

The style of the vermiso musical is contemporary with a strong and dramatic storyline. Examples of the vermiso musical are:

  • Les Miserable
  • Miss Saigon
  • Rent

The Tribute Musical

The tribute musical showcases a person or group and celebrates their music. Sometimes there is a storyline to link the songs that has something to do with the individual or group that is being celebrated and sometimes a completely new storyline is created and the songs are used where appropriate.

Examples of the tribute musical are:

  • Buddy
  • The Rat Pack
  • Mama Mia
  • We Will Rock You

The Sketch Musical

These do not have a particular storyline or through plot. Singers usually play different characters throughout the performance according to the type of song they are singing.

Examples of the sketch musical are:

  • Smokey Joe’s CafĂ©
  • Elegies For Angels, Punks & Raging Queens
  • A is For Alice

The Movie Musical

These musicals began life as a movie then a successful stage show was created. Examples of the movie musical are:

  • The Lion King
  • Seven Brides For Seven Brothers
  • Singing In The Rain

The Classic Book Musical

These musicals use songs to help drive the narrative of the story. Examples of great classic book musicals are:

  • West Side Story
  • Guys And Dolls
  • The Sound Of Music

Choosing songs for musical auditions is a much easier task if you know what type of musical you are auditioning for.

There are a lot of different types of voice training which focus on different aspects or types of songs. The type of voice training that would be beneficial to you for songs from the classic book musical will be different to the training you would take to sings songs for the vermiso musicals. Here you are more likely to need vocal training in belting whereas the form would need a more classical sound.

In order to discover what sort of voice training you need, decide on what type of songs you want to sing and that you enjoy singing then look for singing teachers who provide the type of voice training that you need. Look on the internet for singing teachers or singing schools in your areas, call or email them, explain the type of songs you want to sing and you should be able to find the perfect teacher to give you the voice training that you require.

Songs for musical theater auditions come in a wide variety so focus on exactly what it is you want to sing and enjoy every minute of it.